Backcountry skiing gear review that includes everything you need for skiing backcountry terrain, including boots, skis, packs and probes.
November 2008
Avalanche beacon reviews introduction, critical backcountry skiing equipment that you must have
Seems like I was just out of the WildSnow shop, then I’m back again helping with another Dynafit FT-12 custom supermount. This time, guest blogger Dave showed up with his new Black Diamond Method boots and a pair of Killowatts.…
This has to be one of the funnier things I’ve ever seen in a survey: “I would love to have new and exciting experiences, even if they are illegal.” That’s excerpted from a survey the Canadian Avy Center is using…
But in the interest of letting WildSnow’s daddy Lou Dawson continue to speak we figured it was time to publish this mini-profile. We cooked this up last year. It was done with a Dynafit emphasis for them to possibly publish. That didn’t happen, so we present it here. Apologies for the Dynafit bias.
Fritschi Diamir Titanal* & Freeride (Free Ride) Brake “Ski Stopper” Install
by Lou Dawsonby Lou DawsonInstalling ski brakes, stoppers, on Fritschi bindings uses these simple steps, illustrated for Diamir and all varieties of ski touring bindings.