How to carry your camera is always a ski touring question, this is one how-to using plastic wire ties to mount case on pack strap for backcountry photography.
Pain points in backcountry skiing, both gear and overall culture of ski touring has much room for improvement.
Avalanche risk self evaluation quiz is as a teaching tool then anything else, but also for fun. The idea is to stimulate thought and improvements in how we go about staying alive in avalanche country.
List 10 cool backcountry things you have done, keeping it real on the backcountry skiing blog.
f you fall while already moving downhill at speed, on steep hard snow, you will not be able to self arrest. Period. So read this and learn how to live.
Variety of quotes with a photo slideshow, depicting backcountry skiing and ski mountaineering.
Timeless articles and writing about ski touring the backcountry, good reading.