Ski touring and backcountry news, uphilling, resorts, avalanches — December 2020.
Overview of 20-21 ski mountaineering and randonee races around the US and Europe including adaptations for Covid.
Roundup of the latest ski touring news including a CAIC study on avalanche incidents, Covid-induced gear shortages and a public lands lawsuit.
Avalanche charges, Alps apres canceled, mid-size SUV’s and more. Ski touring news roundup, backcountry information for October 2020.
POWDER Mag closes, Bluebird Backcountry expands, avalanche education goes virtual, pledge to check the avalanche forecast — the latest touring news.
Four ski film festival screenings to get you psyched for the upcoming season from Backcountry Film Fest, Banff, and TGR and 5 Point.
Our famous news roundups and opinion.