Review of Matchstick Productions film, “All In” stoke for the ski season with a strong cast of women and men skiing tremendous lines on mountains around the world.
Backcountry ski touring news for October 2018, movie about lost resorts, Switzerland mountaineering deaths, ski shops, more.
Review of TGR’s ski movie, Tight Loose, including issues about youth avalanches and snow safety.
Ski Touring News Roundup September 2016 — Dynafit, Pakistan Search, Parks
by Lou Dawsonby Lou DawsonSki touring and backcountry news for the beginning of September 2016, BCA contest, Kyle Dempster, Dynafit Radical FT ST and more.
Yosemite California is a place for alpine climbers of any level to find themselves and experience a piece of the American climbing dream.
Review of movie Jeff Lowe Metanoia, interesting coverage of pioneer climbing along with challenge of ALS.
Our bias? We like movies with climbing skins.