When does next year begin? Alex Lee offers 7 ways to link snow years including hydrological cycles, winter tire changeover, the rule of ablation and more.
Landscapes shift when free of snow. Features morph: become larger and smaller, more or less ominous. A ravine we call a death trap is flooded with delicate purple petals.
Skiing the Crestone Peaks of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in the early days.
Homage to the Sisters, Mount Bachelor and Broken top and the lessons they teach father and son about parenting and skiing.
Q&A with Philosophy professor and photographer Dr. Ed Sherline who uses rephotography to document glacier change in Wyoming’s Wind River range.
Reflection on the many gifts offered through ski touring and exploring high peaks in the backcountry.
Events, benefits, happenings, confabs, art, film, community.