A down jacket not just for the summit Good old baffled goose down is still one of the best insulators us humans have been able to come up with, especially when weight and size are in the equation. It has…
A sneak peak at Dynafit’s new Blacklight touring series, light skis for big ski mountaineering objectives, built to handle most variable conditions.
Overview of recommended avalanche rescue shovels, for ski touring and backcountry mountaineering. Light weight and strong.
Arva has come up with a nice, compact beacon, avalanche safety in a package that fits in nearly any pocket, check this review.
The Skorpius CR joins a pool of lightweight boots designed to fulfill the general ski tourer’s ambitions as well as the entry-level skimo racer’s.
Snappy, fun and incredibly versitle, the light yet stable Cassiar 95 Tour1 could be the ideal lady ski tourer’s quiver of one.
Go ahead, have that extra beer, your gear is so light it won’t matter…