Derek Willmott, with some words by Lou
I did two mods on my TLT 5. First, with the way my feet are shaped I needed more width at the forefoot. By sticking the boot in boiling water (at our elevation of 1,800 feet) it softened enough to squish with a clamp so the toe are is flatter and wider. I stuffed a tennis ball with shims in there during the clamping, and used a wood block underneath to prevent deformation of the sole area from clamp pressure.
The mod I made that perhaps applies to more readers is my “popsicle stick” lean lock block-off. All explained below in photos.
I hope this helps some of you out!

The fit part of my mods involves a clamp to get some forefoot width. To prevent deformation of the boot sole used a block of wood below the sole, and a tennis ball is stuffed inside with shims.

Key for this boot fit mod. Stick a tennis ball inside between the clamp jaws.

Modification, when flipped down, prevents buckle tang from inserting into the boot. Not only is this mod nice for keeping boots buckled without locking the cuff, but also allows you to stow the buckle without it sticking out, catching on rocks and ruining your pants.

Lock block is easily stowed behind latched buckle when you want full lean lock.
Also see our TLT 5 cuff lean angle mod.
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