Lou's new office chair? Joe whipped this up in his spare time, quite relaxing and being in close contact with skis reminds of backcountry skiing days to come.
Cleaning out our attic always produces piles of old skis, backcountry and frontcountry. Some are kept for sentimental value, others mysteriously hid in the attic for a decade even though they’re junk. Like, what was Lou thinking when he kept these? It’s a shame to send the boards to the landfill so we’re always on the lookout for clever recycling ideas.
This summer, ingenious Joe surprised us with a chair for our back deck. It’s heavy but comfy. I’ve enjoying a number of sunny afternoons lounging in it’s cradle. Here’s how he did it:
We still have scads of old skis. The pile grows faster than our grass. WildSnowers — chime in with your ideas for clever projects using old skis. Lou likes it when I add items to his honey-do list.
Our friend, Bernhard sent us the following photos along with an interesting link:
Hi Lou,
Just saw the furniture made of skis on WildSnow. This exists in Europe too. Attached some I build myself… the bench is made of skis only, the chair and table use the elements of “biergarten” furniture. It’s great to see more doing it, great way to recycle and to show the love for skiing. There’s even a guy in Austria who sells his stuff: Skimoebel.
Cheers & best,
WildSnow Girl is our pseudonym for gal posters who wish to remain anonymous, or use another name just for fun. Used for female oriented backcountry blog posts at Wildsnow.com, and also general subjects covered by WildSnow girls.