News from Colorado backcountry skiing, including 24 Hours of Sunlight, and Ed LaChapelle passes.
Outdoor Retailer Day 3 – Canine Soft Shells, Jetboil and Jim Morrison Look Alikes
by Lou Dawsonby Lou DawsonAfter serious ski industry shmoozing yesterday, today was my time to walk the aisles and find the interesting, or just plain weird. The pet accessory business is big and I have to admit this jacket and bootie fido ensemble from…
Continued retrospective reports from Dynafit hosted trip in Europe last week: Okay, Monte Cevedale in Italy is not really an epic, more like a relaxing glacier walk. At least this is true most of the time. Today the wind intervened.…
I did bring two backpacks (BCA Alp 40 and Black Diamond Covert Avalung), and a variety of clothing. I’ll use the BCA If we’re traveling light and touring an area with little avy danger.
Backcountry skiing and ski touring news, including magazines and telemark.
News about backcountry skiing and touring, including info about cell phone issues and skier safety.
Tips and information for starting backcountry skiing and mountaineering, covering safety, fitness and gear as well as overall planning and judgement.
The amount of knowledge we have about snow avalanches has increased immensely over the past several decades. Using this information, experts are constantly reformulating survival techniques and devising improved safety gear. The Avalung came out of knowledge that avalanche victims…
Any blow to the head that requires first aid should also be dealt with as a neck injury. Besides being another reason helmets are only part of the safety equation, this begs the question: just how exactly do you deal with a suspected neck injury?
Backcountry skiing news from the year 2006, enjoy the history of touring.
Packing for a Moab trip so quick report from yesterday’s glisse: After a dusting of snow a few nights ago and the cool temps of a cold front, I figured yesterday would be a good time for a mega tour.…
Trooper Traverse gear review for doing the Trooper Traverse backcountry ski tour
Backcountry Skiing News Roundup & Shovel Choices for ski touring avalanche safety.
The Euro ski racing scene was kind of an eye opener. The resorts are huge, wide open and do almost no avalanche control work by North American standards. Add to that the mentality that avalanches are seen as an unavoidable act of God, and you begin to see why so many people die over there.
Preliminary avalanche report but it sounds legit. Let’s pray that Romeo and all the other competitors are okay.
We learned a few days ago that a well known local, John Seigle, died in an avalanche while backcountry skiing in France. I didn’t know John well, I’d met him a few times when he was working with our town…
Near Marble, Colorado today. Heading up one of the avalanche paths, amazing evidence of destruction from last winter’s record slides. Nope, it’s not a yucca plant, it’s a busted aspen tree… I’ve seen many trees nuked, but never one that…
Discuss how safe backcountry skiing gear really is, and how it could be improved.
Dawn patrol this morning. Up at 4:00 AM then a few laps in Little Cottonwood Canyon with Louie and friends Poly, Andrew and Penn before heading to the trade show.
Skiing the Fourteeners ethics, what does it mean to ski a fourteener