(Note, I’ve got a few more trip reports to file from the latest EU trip, but this is the last of the Silvretta posts. To step through the Silvretta trip reports, start here.) Six days straight of nearly 100% bluebird…
April 2009
Our adventure lifestyle is sometimes an extension of our father’s. I couldn’t have been more than 4 years old. Not only was my father quite the outdoorsman back then, but he loved gardening and had quite the green thumb. He also loved hiking and exploring.
Trying to get my Silvretta last day TR up for you guys, but I’m having too much fun testing backcountry skiing gear on our nice Colorado springtime snowpack. Out again this morning, so a quick post about a gear mod,…
The storm over Marble, Colorado cleared out Saturday night, leaving us with the bluebird day for Sunday backcountry skiing of the type you read about in the magazines. Puffy clouds here and there for effect, but mostly a deep azure sky and enough heat on the snow to dissolve any crust and make for two big laps of creamed semi-corn that was totally skiable.
For those of you who didn’t track this last year, Woody’s is a bold venture to open a quality restaurant up at the Western Colorado trailhead town of Marble. It’s just like the road end gasthauses in Austria, only the food is a bit different. Everyone, please support Woody! The chili special today was only six bucks — worth twice that — and would have cost three times that in Aspen. Lisa had the chili, I had the brisket with potato salad and sweet tea.
Technica Agent AT ski boot review for backcountry skiing and ski mountaineering