Rifle, Colorado is in the midst of an energy boom (natural gas), so it’s a fun place to visit and see all the big service trucks running around, along with the general upbeat attitude.
September 2005
I’ve been working on photographer Peter Kelley’s image site at http://www.peterkelley.com – that’s keeping me “focused” on photography… Andrew McLean emailed me this comment: I’m using a Nikon 4500 and can’t wait until it dies so I can replace it…
Sunset at Shadow Lake, Wind River Mountains, Wyoming. This was shot with a Canon Digital Rebel in manual mode, with manual focus. It’s always fun in September to see the excitement about winter’s debut. Web forum traffic drivel ratios change…
Summer Backcountry Skiing Report from Over the Hill in Crested Butte, Colorado
by Lou Dawsonby Lou DawsonThis just over the transom from Craig B. in Crested Butte, Colorado. They did a good job of getting their September turns. Here closer to Aspen we’re still waiting for the first significant dusting of fresh so we can head…
Granite Gear backpacks are reviewed in Wind Rivers Mountains, WY
Marmot PreCip clothing for all round use even backcountry skiing