Scarce, maybe threatened, but not extinct. You might think telemark was a graveyard of gear and ethos, struggling to regain some relevance. The Turn is alive and well.
Review of the the Meidjo 3.0 telemark binding, marking an evolution in technical backcountry telemark touring equipment.
Tele Tech First Look — Voile Ultra Vector BC, 22 Designs Lynx, Scarpa TX Pro
by Aaron Mattixby Aaron MattixOverview of telemark tech setup designed to maximize efficiency and featuring Voile Ultra Vector BC skis, 22 Design Lynx binding and Scarpa TX Pro boots.
Backcountry telemark skiing appears to be on life support, but that doesn’t mean it’s dead. Here are some things that could resurrect it to its former ski touring glory.
Getting started with ski touring, how to gear up and dress need not be boring and can be somewhat funny DIY, compared to mountain biking.
Ideas are varied about what causes the increased suicide rate, but counseling experts say it’s because people here are often living far from their extended families, or they’re in a transitional lifestyle. While it’s not mentioned in the article
Is the telemark turn a religion?