If you’re in timber country, a bomber ski pole fix is easy. Here’s the method I use. Takes 10 minutes max. All blog readers out there, comments and ideas always appreciated! First, whip out that Gerber or other multi-tool and…
(Preamble: I’m skipping around the “10 Things” list as resources become available, so today is #3.) “If your friend’s out of shape you’re dead.” That’s the take at Backcountry Access (BCA) about avalanche rescue shoveling (makers of Tracker avy beacons…
Ten Things Every Backcountry Skier Should Know: How to jump start a car — and more
by Lou Dawsonby Lou DawsonTen things every backcountry skier should know for safety and fun, and to survive mishaps.
AT ski boot fitting questions, bontex shims for ski boots for skiing and climbing, fitting thermo liners for AT ski boots
Adventure Medical Heatsheets Bivouac Emergency shelter reviewed, important item to have while backcountry skiing and ski mountaineering
One hit home. They gave some rats caffeine, had them exercise, and discovered the combo might help prevent skin cancer. In rats, anyway.
Tips and tricks for backcountry skiing.