We’re going for some collective “blogodacous” wisdom on this one, but I’ll mention the main trick first. When it comes to keeping your feet toasty in backcountry ski boots, fit is key. All too many times I’ve had friends and…
Ever Wondered Who Figured Out All Those Colorado Ski Areas? And 10 Things To Know — Part 8: Climbing Skins
by Lou Dawsonby Lou DawsonStart stripping your backcountry skiing climbing skin from tip or tail, doesn’t matter. When you’ve removed the skin about half way along the ski, fold it sticky-to-sticky, then finish stripping and fold again. I’ve done this in 80 mph. wind with no problem whatsoever. If you’re removing the skins from the ski tail first (as most do), stick your ski tails in the snow after you’ve got the skin half stripped. Do this in one motion as you pull the skin off from the tail. With the ski tail planted, you can then fold the skin without a moving ski to deal with.
Ten tips for safe and fun ski mountaineering in the backcountry, including map reading.
10 Things To Know — Part 6: Make a Hop Turn in the Face of Danger, Chris Davenport’s Take
by Lou Dawsonby Lou DawsonI played journalist this morning and did a quick phone interview with Chris Davenport: Davenport makes a hop turn off the summit of 14,042 foot Ellingwood Peak, looking at Blanca Peak. Lou: “Okay Chris, how is the fourteener book coming?”…
Fire starting tips for backcountry survival.
It’s not an uncommon event. You’ve got ski edges that recently enjoyed the caress of your file — in fact, they resemble the edge of a Samurai sword. You take a beater, and instead of carving snow said ski edge…
Tips and tricks for backcountry skiing.