Thinking outside the wrapper, some ideas for the backcountry skier in your life. Know a technical rider who likes swapping bindings and experimenting with stack height? Is someone mounting a pair of thin skis such as the Goode? Wrap a…
Tune your ski setup ramp and delta angles so you can switch between gear without feeling like you are in the backseat or over the bars.
Lou Dawson’s AT boot fitting tips for backcountry skiing
In certain situations it is necessary to remove your snowboard without reaching down to your feet, here is one method for rigging this sort of system.
Blogsters: Aspen area guide Ron Rash (part owner of Aspen Alpine Guides) is helping get me off the keyboard (and out in the backcountry) every so often by contributing a newpaper column style guest blog. Here is his first. Boot…
10 Things Every Backcountry Skier Should Know: #1 – Practice humility so caution rules the day.
by Lou Dawsonby Lou Dawsonoday we finish up our “10 Things to Know series.” The ultimate part of any endeavor is perhaps how your mind interacts with the day. In terms of mountaineering, using mental processes to avoid pride and resulting bad decisions is key. I’ve messed up a few times in that area, and also had some success, but thought it would be nice to hear some other people’s words about this so I trolled my celebrity address book for likely helpers. But don’t let the celebs have the last word, I know you blog readers have some ideas about this, so fire a few comments to complete today’s blog.
Tips and tricks for backcountry skiing.