A New Year’s Resolution: celebrate your friends. A big ski traverse, as it should be, can pull you into the present. A Winds ski traverse did that for me. And upon reflection, despite being physically spent after each day, I know that time with my partners in the Winds was a mental and physical respite and a gift.
For a mental reset, often nothing compares to a solo ski tour. Embarking on a solo mission requires self-awareness, a set of rules, and a willingness to follow those rules that at once may be personal but are in place to ensure safe travel. Alex Lee has some thoughts.
Thoughts on social media and the backcountry scene: Social media is entertainment, not connection. It can be great entertainment, whether a post is authentic or not. Social media is also an unnecessary, but powerful tool. No matter how you feel about it, that power is worth careful consideration.
This is the first piece in a new WildSnow oral history project called Picture Show. Mike Gardner and Jason Thompson discuss a classic photo from Hyalite Canyon.
A 2020 Q&A with Hilaree Neslon, North Face team leader and 8000 meter peak skier on lessons learned over decades of ski mountaineering, favorite expedition gear and tips for aspiring ski mountaineers.
During the summer months we travel safely through what can dicey avalanche terrain in winter: a mountain bike mail pickup.
The WildSnow collection of backcountry skiing stories rings a few bells. We keep our journalism chops sharp by answering questions related to recalls and rebrands. The WildSnow digital shelves also house first-person narratives and yarns exploring the complexities of land use issues and winter backcountry access in the West. In a nutshell, these are long-form stories from a ski touring world. And we’re evolving; consider it a split boarding world too.