Ski touring news roundup, focus on education including avalanche safety and basics of backcountry skiing, november 2017.
Snowmobiles for ski touring access, report on latest technology including Ski Doo Shot Start, also information about sales number 2017.
Devastating Tragedy hits WildSnow Community — RIP Hayden Kennedy and Inge Perkins
by Lou Dawsonby Lou DawsonInge Perkins and Hayden Kennedy, Montana avalanche accident 2017.
Backcountry ski touring news, September 2017 covering boots, rehab and Lindsey racing with the men, also the moving hut on Mount Cook.
Louis Dawson authors new ski touring guidebook for Colorado, covering ‘easy’ routes safer from avalanches, and uphill at ski resorts.
Essay about ski touring gender issues, different styles of backcountry skiing are favored by different people, for various reasons, this explores an opinion.
Our famous news roundups and opinion.