Thoughts on the passing of Hayden Kennedy and Inge Perkins, Montana avalanche 2017.
Devastating Tragedy hits WildSnow Community — RIP Hayden Kennedy and Inge Perkins
by Lou Dawsonby Lou DawsonInge Perkins and Hayden Kennedy, Montana avalanche accident 2017.
Ski touring news Hervé Maneint of Scott ski equipment dies in Chamonix ski accident, rockfall, he was a force in gear design.
Eulogy, backcountry skiing industry pioneer Lock Miller passed away Sept. 30, 2015, was first importer of tech Dynafit bindings.
Backcountry Ski Touring News Roundup — Bela Vadasz, Earthquakes, Avalanches
by Lou Dawsonby Lou DawsonSki touring news, covering backcountry skiing guide Bela Vadasz, Black Diamond Equipment and other newsworthy items such as avalanches in France.
When mountaineers die in the mountains skiing or climbing, we grieve and find ways to cope.
Reality of our wonderful mountain life is folks do pass on.