The DIY ATK tech binding mount process can be done. Take a breath, read up, and practice several times on a 2″ X 4″. Here’s a many-steps process to help guide you along. Ok, easy peasy, mount those bindings.
Drilling holes in a ski, especially as a DIY process can be nerve wracking. But once you get the hang of it, it’s not so bad, or stressful. But the question remains, how many holes can you, in fact, drill in a ski and maintain the ski’s integrity? Lou Dawson has some thoughts.
Ski crampons—maybe your best friend when skinning in firm conditions. But sometimes for steeper ascents, a mod is in order. Chris Dickson has an easy, cheap, and effective means of increasing ski crampon penetration with heel risers engaged.
Suspender lovers need not despair if they find a great fitting pant without suspender functionality: here’s a basic DIY for sewing newbies.
It’s time to check your backcountry ski gear. From boots, bindings, skis, and skins, our pre-season gear checklist is a reminder to get all things in order.
How to dial your emergency car kit with ski touring specific gear so you never go into the backcountry unprepared.
How to do projects such as binding mounting and ski repair.