"Gram Counter." "Race Weenie." "Hey, wait for me!" "Beefcake. BEEFCAKE!!!" These are all common phrases heard by those of the AT set who still use boots with a tongue design.
Despite the trend in boots with overlap shell construction, the standard in AT boots is still a tongue-construction design. From ultra-light race set ups to super-stiff boots rivaling any other boots, this boot design will give you the largest, most diverse selection to choose from. In this years Gear Guide, we are going to focus on the beefier end of the spectrum to give comparison to the Overlap Construction guide. As I’ve stated before, the biggest factor in what to buy (overlap or tongue construction) comes down to the individual buyers preference. There is no "right" answer.
All boots covered are available now at your local ski shop or online.As many new — but not yet available — boots are slated for review here, and for purchase next winter, look for a lot of these boots to be marked down in the coming months. We all love to get great new gear, but great new gear for cheap is always better!
That being said, lets take a peek at this years offerings.
Dave “Snowman” Downing lives in Whitefish, Montana where Dave is a freelance designer and owner of Ovid Nine Graphics Lab Dave’s ski career began due to a lack of quality skiing video games for NES.