Nice wet storm hitting central Colorado mountains today. I think this is number 5 significant snowstorm we’ve had so far this season. Bring it on!
Environmental screed of the month brought in some comments. I thought I’d get hate mail, but thankfully didn’t get any real hate mail nor any death threats (I’ve had a few in the past, mostly about telemark opinion writing). Perhaps all the haters are busy looking for another ski facility to burn down. At any rate, here are a few choice comments. And yes Virginia, I have opinions.
“Thanks for being the occasional voice of reason with your enviro rants. I’m with you, its not popular in my crowd but someone has got to do it – my generation (30 something’s) has been so thoroughly indoctrinated that questioning the dogma of “sanctified” and the like amounts to heresy. What a title! ” … Michael Crichton’s analysis of environmentalism as the new religion for urban atheists is worth a quick read.
“Your Nov 9 column rocks! Once again, you hit the nail on the head. Great job, Lou. I love the environment and the backcountry, and try to conserve where I can (especially using top grade insulation in my home, fluorescent lights, etc.) But the holier than thou approach drives me nuts. You have a great perspective.
“Lou I’ve got to say, that your small comments about the film sanctified are NOT you saying more? WOW, I’d like to hear the MORE.”
“Not having seen the film, I reserve actual critical comment on the film, but overall I’d have to say that I don’t agree with you. Still you make your point in one hell of a way and I’m glad to see that someone out there isn’t afraid to speak their mind! Too many pussyfoot their way around or thru things, but at least you shoot from the hip. I read your site almost everyday and agree with much of what you have to say I especially like the info about the outdoors and ski world you bring to me, but you are opinionated and on one side yourself!
“I know the ecofreaks can be a pain and lean so far left at times, that they should fall off the Earth gravity does rule still I see their points as well. One thing I will say it isn’t always the things that are done, how they are done (though that is a touchy point) or what they are done with (like snowmobiles),BUT the shear numbers! This rat cage had too many rats running around in it and like in science lab something will give! The one point I will concede to you; some people should be allowed to use snowmobiles as access to ski the backcountry, BUT very few!
Oh well I’ve made my pt. THANKS! J.J.”
“I love your critique of Sanctified…. You and I may disagree on some other subtleties of the environmental discussion, but we definitely agree that hypocrisy rules many of the arguments….
I chuckle at sappy cliches like Sanctified. What a joke.
Now, me personally; I don’t think you need to go beyond the fact that much of the snowmobile use in this country is a crutch for glaring human weakness… But, that’s another story 🙂
Have a great day, E. D.”
“I had a similar rant to my wife and kids after watching “sanctified” and I laughed out loud at the parallels with your blog. One thing that cracks me up was the acknowledgment in the film that there are 650 million acres of public lands in this country…then they rail against what are essentially roadside developments… Two miles off the beaten path usually provides plenty of solitude.
E. A. ” publisher emeritus and founder Lou (Louis Dawson) has a 50+ years career in climbing, backcountry skiing and ski mountaineering. He was the first person in history to ski down all 54 Colorado 14,000-foot peaks, has authored numerous books about about backcountry skiing, and has skied from the summit of Denali in Alaska, North America’s highest mountain.