Before the snow really starts to fly, many of us are finishing up our summer/fall projects. Wildsnow Backcountry HQ has seen several new improvements (posts forthcoming) this summer. While things are progressing up at 9500 ft, my footwear after months of backcountry work has seen some serious use and abuse.
Not one to use boots lightly, my footwear needs to stand up to hiking, running, dirt-bike footpegs, repeated stream crossings, rock moving and copious amounts of wood splitting/dragging/burning. Some prefer dedicated trail running shoes, lightweight hut shoes, protective toe wood splitting shoes, mountaineering boots, race mountaineering boots, and so on.
Guess I’ll still be the guy with almost as much footwear as his lady friend.

Garmont and Salewa both have sturdy all-purpose alpine boots to look forward to in 2013. Loud Euro colors will be flying past you at the nearest trailhead come next year.

Salewa's newest alpine climbing boots feature an anti-blister footbeds and ample adjustment for climbing and descending. The boots are also great for adapting to colder and warmer days when a thick sock is needed or left at home. Denny Ink's Eric Henderson shows the inner workings of Salewa's 3D System evo which divides the shoe into three areas allows fine-tuning to achieve the best possible comfort and performance.

The approach/trail/fell running category is constantly expanding with Dynafit, La Sportiva, Scarpa, and Salewa adding additional shoes to their already capable fleets.
Shop for Salewa’s Firetail GTX here!

Dynafit's athletes on hand to testify their testing. I thought this was a great idea for the marketing of any shoe. Plus what athlete doesn't like to exchange peak bagging stories in exchange for free beer? Marketing gurus take note.
Shop for Dynafit’s MS Feline Superlight here!

These shoes piqued my interest in many ways. Top left- is 5.10's Diddie featuring a Kevlar lace cover to protect againist chainsaws and a solid steel plate along the entire sole impregnated by their signature sticky rubber. Sockwa showed off their newest sand soccer shoe. Honestly I didn't know that was a sport. Great idea for a hut shoe though. Alaska worthy Xrtratuff's in a new updated neoprene form.

The footwear above was spotted at Summer OR 2012. Many thanks to Outside Media's Hilary Hutcheson for setting me up with the Salomon trail running crew to test and get my blood flowing in Park City this August. Take note that is Ashley Arnold of Trail Runner Magazine who carried on a full conversation while ascending and descending Park City's network of trails. I on the other hand was just trying to keep up. You'll notice another tester trying to breathe after our little run.
Visit our friends at for all your peak bagging footwear needs!
Joseph Risi was raised on pasta and meatballs in the “backwoods” of Long Island before seeking higher education in the mountains of Vermont. Always looking for adventure, building treehouses, working too many odd jobs around the world he now lives in the Aspen area of Colorado.