For design inspiration some brands look to their roots and surroundings. Others find ground in ski museums and fashion runways. Once they have their direction designers tie the intel into their line. At OR recently, a few such that caught my attention:

Just in case your Vanson leather jacket is in for repair after you laid your bike down on I-70 you can always zip up your Dynafit jacket and tear up the pavement. Ducati not included.

K2 Stash flexible pole basket looks back to the the good ol' years to inspire their newest pole offering. Instead of a bamboo pole and leather web of yesteryear they implemented a plastic flexible web attached to a carbon and aluminum shaft, with a flashy green ring to keep the basket level when on hardpack and allow it to flex on the steeps.

With BCA venturing into the Euro market with an office out of Chamonix it is only appropriate that they appeal to the Vespa riding crowd a little more. Gone are the black and orange packs, say hello to lime green and red. Yes, there are treats inside those packs. Not biscotti.

TREW Gear has finally grown enough stateside to make the next step in outfitting the other growing backcountry freeride crowd in the Alps, by bringing their product over to Europe's ISPO. Sorry Harvey the RV, their trusty mountain marketing mobile mountain party transport unit, MMMMPTU, doesn't convert into a boat, it's in the shop, I had to ask. With colors that resemble a Pacific Northwest trendy lumberjack, they should have no problem making a sizable dent in converting the Euros to TREW's extremely waterproof backcountry freeride ski gear.
(Guest blogger Joseph Risi was raised on pasta and meatballs in the “backwoods” of Long Island before seeking higher education in the mountains of Vermont. Always looking for adventure, building treehouses, working too many odd jobs around the world he now lives in the Aspen area of Colorado. He’s been helping Lou out as an assistant.)
Joseph Risi was raised on pasta and meatballs in the “backwoods” of Long Island before seeking higher education in the mountains of Vermont. Always looking for adventure, building treehouses, working too many odd jobs around the world he now lives in the Aspen area of Colorado.