Every year it just seems to get nicer and nicer. We started doing the yearly spring informal BBQ on Independence Pass ages ago with a small group of friends and young children. The celebration of backcountry skiing camaraderie gradually and informally (“informally” is important as we need to be clear this is not an organized or commercial event) grew till this year about 150 people showed up. First one wave in the earlier morning. After that the group dwindled and we were thinking about packing it up, then another wave arrived and the party was on again. We didn’t get out of there till around 3:00 in the afternoon, and we cooked up every burger and frank within 10 square miles. A few photos. Chime in with a comment if you were there. And thanks for showing up! Be there next year!

Lead griller, also known as 'His Blogness.' This shot was taken by guest of honor and owner of Aspen Expeditions, Dick Jackson. Jackson took a hard grounder while paragliding last year and he's been getting hit with medical challenges ever since. It was so special having Dick show up, and even though he's not on skis yet he got out for a long alpine snow hike and enjoyed some of that healing (albeit smoky) alpine air. Best wishes to Dick and healing prayers!

News is that backcountry skiing that morning before we fired up the grill was exceptional corn harvesting. Click to enlarge.
A few links related to this post. First, just to give a nod of support to Dick Jackson here is the click for Aspen Expeditions. Also, remember if you want ski touring info for the Independence Pass region check out BackcountrySkiingCO.com. And finally, enjoy our vast array of news about past Independence Pass adventures and BBQs!
While most of the WildSnow backcountry skiing blog posts are best attributed to a single author, some work well as done by the group.