While up at Montezuma Basin, Colorado a few weeks ago, we met a friendly climber named Scott Harris. He sent me a few of his photos to post. Enjoy.
This shot shows Castle Peaks north face. The summer hiking routes go up the left and right ridges, while the ski routes take the face. Nice foreground Scott! Click image to enlarge. |
Yours truly unloading for our September ski of Montezuma. A few folks have emailed me and asked why I nearly always post shots of my son instead of myself, now you know? And yep, those are K2 Fours, which are one of the best all-round skis of all time. We use them for our “utility” skis (AKA rock skis). |
WildSnow.com publisher emeritus and founder Lou (Louis Dawson) has a 50+ years career in climbing, backcountry skiing and ski mountaineering. He was the first person in history to ski down all 54 Colorado 14,000-foot peaks, has authored numerous books about about backcountry skiing, and has skied from the summit of Denali in Alaska, North America’s highest mountain.