“It is better to travel well than to arrive.” Eliel Hindert weaves Gautama Buddha’s mantra through his beautifully written piece in the latest Ski Journal. With Garrett Grove’s luminous images, Hindert takes you to Japan’s shrouded backcountry via a path of “least assistance,” skidding around in a funky HiAce Toyota to follow rumors of lengendary stashes.
Allure as we’ve come to expect, with well crafted prose and stunning photos, Ski Journal V7 #1 draws us in and turns our yearning for winter into a pounding ache. Seductive scenes from India, Jackson Hole, Alaska, Washington and beyond tempt you to book a romp in a white district. Stories of transitional journeys: Seth Vicious’s evolution to rotoless Morrison; Hilaree O’Neill’s trek from Peak of Good to Peak of Evil; Kellie Okonek’s glide past a giant mural of Bill Clinton in Kosovo to virgin sugar slopes in the Albanian Alps. Ski Journal entices us to leave the chaise lounge for deep knee lunges so our quads are ready for more than just fantasies. That is, after we’ve read every word to the last page.
A while ago I heard about the law of attraction, visualizing dreams to attract experiences. Create a collage of your desires and they are more likely to happen. It’s worked for me before, so now a page from Ski Journal gets added to the board, manifesting an upcoming season of big, big storms and deep, deep pow. Woo hoo, let the journey begin!

Inspiring prayer or perhaps a nod from Ullr, page 17 is tacked up on my vision board, calling the powers of the universe to make it snow big this winter.
WildSnow Girl is our pseudonym for gal posters who wish to remain anonymous, or use another name just for fun. Used for female oriented backcountry blog posts at Wildsnow.com, and also general subjects covered by WildSnow girls.