For now, the spring volcano ski season sides on the glass half full side of the optimism-pessimism perspective, and some interesting media items of note for the backcountry ski/ride set.
We begin a new series on WildSnow: Photo Story. The gear explosion event horizon is out there somewhere. Packing for big trips is a cycle of pack-explode-repack.
Minimalist in ski selection and attire, Jack Kuenzle set a new FKT up and down Mt. Hood on Sunday. “Racing in the backcountry is full tilt.” wrote Kuenzle.
Kelly Cordes evolves from backscratchers to slipping and sliding through the forest on skins. And then stops above a seven-degree slope and rips skins.
I participated in a few Grand Traverse races. Something that resonated, and still does, was Reverend Tim Clark’s “Blessing of the Freeheelers.”
In every arena, there is a learning curve inherent to being in a new environment. Hadley Hammer has some thoughts on mentorship and building community.
Events, benefits, happenings, confabs, art, film, community.