Backcountry Access Arsenal backcountry skiing shovel review
Check out this backcountry skiing in New Zealand! As many of you know, I’m working as a ski patroller at Mt. Cheeseman, a “club ski field” in Canterbury, New Zealand. It is a fun place to work, definitely a lot different than ski areas in the U.S. It is funky in various ways, one of which is that the lodge only had 16kbs dialup for the start of the season. Needless to say, I haven’t been able to do any trip reports until I got better internet access. Luckily, one of the club members figured out how to beam broadband up here from his house, so let the TRs begin!
Went on a short tour on Thursday in Tairn Basin (the basin behind cheesman ski area). Some great powder turns, I have some good pictures so I can make a sweet little trip report once I get good internet. Tomorrow I am going to go on a ski tour with grant and some other people, should be fun. They are having amazing conditions down here right now. There is great recrystalized powder around and stuff. There might be a little snow and wind tomorrow. New Zealand really is amazing. The people are all super friendly, and the terrain is terrific.
Review of The Ski Journal magazine for backcountry skiing
This weekend my friend Skyler and I took a trip up to Winchester Fire Lookout, an historic fire lookout north of Mt. Baker highway on top of Winchester mountain up here in Washington State (see map below). I hadn’t gotten to go skiing in a few weeks and I was itching to get out, even if the conditions looked a little iffy due to warm weather and tons of new, unconsolidated snow (and I don’t mean powder).
Skiing (and tree climbing) The Baker Backcountry — Also, New Zealand?
by Louie Dawsonby Louie DawsonMount Backer backcountry skiing video has a variety of angles and terrain.
Dawson progeny, he’s now on his own at college. Will he guest blog again? Stay tuned.