Tech Crampon 250 attaches to the binding fittings in ski touring boots, they are light and small for ski mountaineering and help lower the weight of your backpack for backcountry skiing.
Backcountry skiing and touring on Punta Velluda, near Fitz Roy in Patagonia.
Backcountry skiing and touring by the stunning towers of Fitz Roy in Patagonia, from basecamp at Lago de los Tres.
Driving Ruta 40 through Patagonia for ski touring and backcountry adventure in Parque de los Glaciares, Cerro Torre and Fitz Roy.
Backcountry skiing from Refugio Frey to Refugio Jakob, near Bariloche, Argentina.
Sklyer Mavor, Jonathan Cooper and Louie Dawson ski wind scoured couloirs at Refugio Frey, a backcountry hut near Bariloche, Argentina.
Dawson progeny, he’s now on his own at college. Will he guest blog again? Stay tuned.