Enjoying the holidays with backcountry skiing, lots of touring photos and tips for low stress fun.
Amy Heuer tests Dynafit Feline Ghost running shoes on rugged mountain trails in Alaska.
Women’s Dynafit One backcountry skiing and boot reviewed by mountaineer and WildSnow Girl, Julie Kennedy.
Jessica Portmess reports on Dynafit’s alpine running gear, the Trail Dry and Distance Gear tank and shorts. Fall training tips for backcountry skiing on ski resorts.
Sturdy Salewa Mountain Trainers are a versatile backcountry approach and hiking shoe.
Lou rushed out to drive the truck to a safety spot on the road only to get mired down in the mud. I heard from a nearby scouting bowhunter that it was pretty funny watching Mr. WildSnow run around in his underwear during a 2:00 AM downpour.
Female perspective on backcountry skiing and ski mountaineering, written by women for women (and for men who are shopping for women).