I remember when Lou introduced me to lightweight gear. I’ll date both of us and admit that at one time long ago in a far away land we had the old Marker “wishbone” alpine touring bindings, offering an amazing two inch range of motion with return of the boot sole to a flat ski. Heel lifters? They were several years in the future.
So it was a revelation when Lou showed up one day in 1975 with the first heel lift pegs on a Ramer binding that weighed about half of the klunkers the rest of us were on. (The AT binding heel lift was pretty much invented by Ramer, though a few other binding makers in Europe may have been experimenting with similar concepts).
Peter Kelley is a longtime Aspen resident and committed backcountry skier who Lou hung out with quite a bit during what we Aspen orginalists call the “days of wine and roses.” Peter skis and bicycle rides worldwide. As well as selling real estate, he did a stint on ski patrol at Snowbird, Utah.