Daily routines of avalanche professionals to enhance safe travel through backcountry ski touring terrain.
How to prepare for a season of ski touring, pre-season tips and tricks that’ll keep you safe and happy in the backcountry.
Tips for introducing a 6 year old to the joys of backcountry ski touring, skins and touring bindings for children.
Facts about tech ‘Dynafit’ bindings for ski touring, basic information you need to know for safety and enjoyment of this technical backcountry equipment.
Bryan Wickenhauser discusses how to gain fitness for backcountry skiing. He uses his experience in ski mountaineering racing to develop a workout for skiing uphill faster.
f you fall while already moving downhill at speed, on steep hard snow, you will not be able to self arrest. Period. So read this and learn how to live.
Learn the basics of ski mountaineering, backcountry skiing and touring technique and equipment detailed here.