A story of decision making in avalanche terrain, British Columbia backcountry ski touring, Million Dollar Couloir.
The basic terms used in avalanche safety can be confusing to the newcomer, this should help.
Urban myths of skiing touring, revealed, misconstrued misconceptions debunked, learn the backcountry truth.
Book signing dates for Lou Dawson’s “Uphill Skiing and Light Tours of Colorado,” a guidebook of easy tours in low avalanche terrain in Colorado.
Ski touring news roundup, focus on education including avalanche safety and basics of backcountry skiing, november 2017.
10 tips and list for the first time ski touring bindings gear, including basics such as terminology and shopping choice options for tech and frame bindings, Dynafit, G3, more.
Learn the basics of ski mountaineering, backcountry skiing and touring technique and equipment detailed here.