Copyright and Legal Words for Wild Snow™ &™™, Wildsnow™, Totally deep marketing LLC ™ and other related phrases are trade marks and service marks, trading as sole proprietor D.B.A. Totally deep marketing LLC, located in the state of Colorado. Copyright of this website and claim of trademark by Totally deep marketing LLC™, 1996, 1997,1998,1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and ever after.
Wild Snow™ and WildSnow™ are trade and service marks of Totally deep marketing LLC, hereby claimed as a trademark by virtue of established use related to website publishing, backcountry skiing, ski mountaineering, outdoor recreation, video and audio publishing, mountain artwork, writing, photography, opinion writing, and more. “Wild Snow” is a registered trademark.
All images, designs, and material (including but not limited to all written content by all authors and/or creators) in this web site are protected by a compilation copyright held by Totally deep marketing LLC™. No images, material or designs in this web site may be used and/or published elsewhere without written authorization of the creator. Contact Totally deep marketing LLC, or the site Webmaster to contact creators and obtain publication rights to items found in this web site. For contact regarding creators and rights, use our contact option in our site menu.
(Please know that our giving permission for reproduction and re-publication of our content is rare, as we prefer to retain editorial control of all our content so we can increase accuracy and correct out-of-date information. If you like our content, please link to it, DO NOT COPY OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCE IN ANY FORM.)
Furthermore, be it known that all “comments,” defined as unsolicited text left by individuals in the “comments” section of articles and blog posts, are the property of Totally deep marketing LLC, all comments are included under our compilation copyright. Totally deep marketing LLC, retains all rights to edit, delete, retain, sell or otherwise handle all written comments. This is per standard legal precedent for internet websites. Totally deep marketing LLC also wishes to emphasize that by legal precedent we are absolved of all legal liability for unsolicited written text comments and video content published or otherwise displayed on We will entertain complaints on a case-by-case basis. Please use our contact link to discuss complaints.
If you would like to use any of our content, we on rare occasions rent it and sell it. content rental and sales rates: If you link to any of our graphics (photos or any other) for display on another website, web forum, user community, feed aggregator, or anywhere else on the web, and choose to forego negotiating with us for rights and rates, our base rate for graphics rental is $5.00 per day, any size. For example, if you choose to display one of our’s our our creator’s graphics or videos on the web by linking to it as it exists on our webserver, you are incurring daily rental charges and we will invoice you for the duration of your use prior to the invoice, and will continue to invoice you as long as you choose to publish the graphic. In the case of graphics from our contributors, we will contact them and suggest they invoice you as well as filing a takedown order.
If you choose to display our written content, we rent it as well, for $0.01 per day per word. WE DO NOT GIVE AWAY OUR WRITTEN CONTENT, AND RARELY GRANT PERMISSON FOR DUPLICATION. For example, if you choose to display 100 words of our copyrighted text, we will invoice you for $1.00 per day of your use. We also sell our content outright, for storage on other web servers and for web publication on other websites. Rates for such use are negotiated on a case-by-case basis. If you choose to use one of our images in such a fashion (taken from us and stored on your own webserver), our minimum non-negotiated rate is $1,000 for limited rights, 24 months of publication. In other words, if we find one of our images has been copied, stored on your webserver, and published on your website, we will invoice you for a minimum of $1,000.00. If we do not receive payment in a timely manner, we will contact your web hosting company about copyright violation and breach of contract.
Use of images on public forums and web communities is subject to the above terms, at our discretion. Ask first. Also, whether a website is non-profit or not does not change this policy.
Feed readers and aggregators
Feed aggregators (websites that re-publish feed content) are specifically prohibited from publishing, displaying or otherwise using all Wildsnow content, text and images. A specific example of a feed aggregator is Personal feed readers are specifically allowed to access our feed, defined as one person using a digital device to read our feed, specifically not aggregating our feed for later use by other parties.
Bandwidth Theft
We take the concept of bandwidth theft very seriously. Please feel free to link to us with simple text links such as “see“, BUT, if you display any of our content elsewhere on the web by using a link to us, for example, as in displaying one of our photos on a web forum, we are paying for the web server resources to serve that graphic to your website. If you do not have permission to do this, you are stealing our server resources when you “extract” the data from our server (and also violating our copyright), hence the term “bandwidth theft.” If you publish and extract our content by using URL links and using our bandwidth without permission, we will invoice you at the above content rental rates, and our attorney will contact you if necessary.