Seeking: info on backcountry ski preferences from an educated and particular readership (WildSnow readers).
First, thanks to any and all for filling out the Google Form on Ski Touring Boots: Range of Motion. We’ll have some information culled from those responses soon.
Next up, we’re trying to get an idea of what types of skis readers use. We’ve got a short Google Form asking for basic info about ski preferences. The questions are divided into three segments: daily driver, powder, and spring ski. Further, each segment asks for the brand, model, and ski length preference. (This helps us organize the information better; we learned some lessons from the Range of Motion form. And as always, we’ll not be collecting email addresses.)
Sure, some out there might get more granular and have a ski quiver broken into more subcategories. In that case, you could fill out multiple forms. And if a question does not apply, maybe you are a two-ski-quiver person, then please respond NA when appropriate.
Thanks again for reading and taking the time.
Link to Ski Selection Google Form.
While most of the WildSnow backcountry skiing blog posts are best attributed to a single author, some work well as done by the group.