Hi readers, we are looking for your assistance in building out a community resource. The result of all this will be an interactive map with pin drops and links to ski resorts allowing uphill travel. Unless this gets out of hand from a workflow perspective, we’re thinking globally here.
See resorts already added to the database. (I’ll update this periodically.)
We are linking to a basic Google Form that will prompt you to answer a few questions. In case you want to gather the info first, here’s what we are looking for:
1) List the resort where you uphill ski.
2) What state does this resort reside in?
3) Provide a link to the uphill policy where you resort uphill ski.
4) What is the uphill policy where you resort uphill ski?
5) Does the resort limit uphill travel to a specific route?
6) Does the resort allow before or after-hours uphill travel?
7) GPS data for mapping: what is the longitude of your uphill resort area? (Oftentimes, you can google this info.)
8) GPS data for mapping: what is the latitude of your uphill resort area? (Oftentimes, you can google this info.)
The Google Sheet will not record your email. It will, however, allow you to review your responses.
Thanks for any help on this. And if you have suggestions or ideas for this project, feel free to email jason@wildsnow.com.
If you missed it, here’s the link again: Link to Google Form.
Jason Albert comes to WildSnow from Bend, Oregon. After growing up on the East Coast, he migrated from Montana to Colorado and settled in Oregon. Simple pleasures are quiet and long days touring. His gray hair might stem from his first Grand Traverse in 2000 when rented leather boots and 210cm skis were not the speed weapons he had hoped for. Jason survived the transition from free-heel kool-aid drinker to faster and lighter (think AT), and safer, are better.