We just found out about this yesterday here at Wildsnow.com — aparantly it’s been in the works for a while. More than a year ago, General Mills contacted Lou Dawson about being one of their featured athletes on their new and heavily promoted Wheaties Fuel breakfast cereal. Lou says he was honored to be included among the likes of Peyton Mannning, though is pretty skeptical if he really deserves it. Nonetheless, more than $100,000 for the gig was pretty convincing. Needless to say, with his new stash of cash Lou will be traveling more and blogging less, though you’ll still see him around these parts on occasion — that is unless his Nike deal comes through. In that case, he has an order in on a Lear Jet that’s been fully retrofitted with cargo bay ski racks and a large workshop.

Yep, that's Lou Dawson truly gracing what has to be the best expedition breakfast food since oatmeal.
Leon Sendmuller is a reporter for the Aspen Daily Cryer and specializes in ski related issues. He is personal friends with nearly everyone in Cinch Creek as well as having been employed as a cabin boy on the Unlimited yacht. When asked if he liked is former job as an Aspen Powder Tours guide better than being a cabin boy, he said “cabin boy, for sure, the tips were better.”