Sarah Uhl
Dispatch from the Outdoor Retailer Show. This time a few nifty backcountry items that caught a WildSnow girl’s eye.

Zeal Optic’s product designer gradually moved up through the ranks after starting off in Zeal’s warehouse. These are the Fargos, designed for men or women but intended for those with smaller faces. In order to bring the goggle size down but keep the range of sight (peripheral vision) high, he decreased the depth of the glasses while innovating a proprietary fog resistant lens that changes with the conditions. Quite a feat!

Black Diamond's women's apparel is impressive and innovative. Bright colors and flattering lines make up for a late entry to the scene (behind the men’s debut last summer).
Goal Zero makes planning ahead easy. This lollipop sized charger will revive your iPhone at least once and comes with optional flashlight and fire-starter attachments.
The new speakers can be carried on your pack and re-charged by solar panels when you’re not using them.

Smartwool’s merino line looks sharp. To develop even snazzier socks, they will be working with artist/skier Anthony Boronowski for the next 3 years to design new prints.

Stanley is making a louder voice for themselves in the outdoor space with functional containers to pack your food and drink. I especially like their line of flasks and stainless steel shot glasses so you can pack and share the goods from the peak top.

TREW gear, out of Hood River Oregon, is stepping up their game with custom logos on each clothing line and exciting color schemes for both men and women. I spoke with their designer and he is psyched to weave the best of snowboard and skier styles into a functional and fashionable backcountry touring line.
( Girl, Sarah Uhl, may not have been Rocky Mountain born but she has found her heart here. When she is not climbing mountains or trekking through trade shows for disco suits, she wields words and mixes paint to tell stories of the beautywild.)
WildSnow Girl is our pseudonym for gal posters who wish to remain anonymous, or use another name just for fun. Used for female oriented backcountry blog posts at, and also general subjects covered by WildSnow girls.