As we were pulling together the annual WildSnow holiday gift list, we realized the same items were coming to the table: Darn Tough socks, Ski Journal, Spot Messenger, Dynafit Radicals, tickets for two to a far away chalet…
But here at WildSnow we strive to give you more. Instead of lackluster ideas, we want to inspire you to reach new heights — on mountains and in the largest robotic shipping centers on the planet.
As we rushed around getting ready for our Thanksgiving ski trip to Canada, no new ideas came. The pressure intensified like a shrieking espresso machine. Black Friday loomed.
Then this morning we stumbled out of bed. At 4:00 a.m. we rushed to the airport, only to sit on the runway for three hours waiting out the weather. As the mist cleared, so did our minds. The ideas streamed in. Thanks to SkyMall here is the 2013 WildSnow list of best gifts ever for the beloved backcountry traveler in your life.

CPAP user? Buy 1 and get three at 50% off. Perfect for the mates on your next hut trip. Amazingly light weight for such high tech. Secure your mask before assisting others.

Best solution for dog and cat anxiety. Multiple pressure points in the Backcountry Thunder Shirt have a mystical calming effect for dogs when they get anxious, fearful, or over-excited by skiers tempting them to the chase. Lou ordered size XL.

No snow, no problem! Zoom around town on this disruptive technology and get in top skimo shape. For a limited time, SkyMall offers a special WildSnow edition premounted with Dynafit Beast bindings. Dynafit clip-ins means they'll never beat you to the pow again.

Expanding pet gate spreads out to fit a wide variety of skin tracks. Perfect wherever faux service dogs nip your heels.

O2, scientifically proven to reduce athletic recovery time by 90%. Skimo racer legal doping, or bring it on your next Beglinger led hut trip so you can string those 10,000 vertical foot days together with only 4 hours recovery sleep, thus leaving more time for repairing your worn out boot liners.

Magic Panty, read customer reviews. Lordosis, delta angle, ramp angle, all get the magic, but your ramp angle is especially enhanced.

Grand Tiki Sculptured Table. These exotic sculptures predate Ullr. Serve guests with Polynesian style and the resulting equatorial winds will manifest a moisture laden el Nino jet stream that will be a legend to your grandchildren.

Our professional copy writers are amazing. They can think up product attributes out of thin air. But they came up blank on this one. Anyone care to vie for their job and write a squib?

If you can't afford the helicopter above, Human Slingshot fits the bill. Featured at the next X Games. Denali NP rangers say this has enough power to launch one Denali Clean Mountain Can from Motorcycle Hill to Kahiltna Base. Testing is ongoing. Duuuuuuuck!

A new office chair for HIS BLOGNESS has been acquired, thanks to Sky Mall! It was a steal at $1,250.
While most of the WildSnow backcountry skiing blog posts are best attributed to a single author, some work well as done by the group.