Effective ski touring transitions means you have more time for skiing. Here are some tips on systematic approaches for uphill and downhill transitions.
Tips on the ideal combination of ski touring layers including pros and cons of merino vs. synthetic, midlayer vs. outer layer and glove-mitt combos.
Using a Run Atlas for route planning and decision making in backcountry ski touring.
DIY boot fitting tricks including shims, punching, molding and when to retire your ski touring boot.
With all of the gear, packing, logistics and more, ski trips can be overwhelming. Julia Dubinini breaks it down with these handy tips.
In Part II of Denali 2019 — What Worked, What Didn’t, Gary Smith offers detailed insight into skis, crampons, clothes, and more.
Tips & Tricks is the home of WildSnow’s extensive library of how-tos. You’ll find info on ski touring basics like how to do a kickturn, endurance fitness and nutrition, and granular level gear mods. WildSnow’s Tips & Tricks is also where you’ll find deep dives into what to bring on extended ski expeditions or on a fast and light smash-and-grab ski mission. And if you’re looking for ideas on using Voile straps to attach a ski or splitboard to your bike? We’ve even got that covered. The archives here at WildSnow run deep.
We’re open to suggestions to expand this department; let us know what tips & tricks you’d like to see.