The aggressive push for shovel, beacon, probe as mandatory safety gear is clear. Chris Van Tilburg asks if it is time for airbags to be added to that list.
Snow continues to fall in copious amounts in the West. As we transition into January and the New Year, we leave December with some tragic avalanche deaths.
With snow currently falling in Colorado, WildSnow reaches out to some avalanche forecasters to assess the snowpack as we move towards the winter solstice.
In the wide-open space that is digitial ski tour planning, I needed some direction: Backcountry Nav’s online class helped me find a path forward.
Get out and practice. It’s time to practice with your beacons, which, in the least, should be more tolerable than, say, forced violin practice in middle school. We’re talking about familiarizing yourself with your avy beacon’s essential functions and gathering…
Group to group communication while backcountry skiing is tricky, an initiative on Snoqualmie Pass aims to help promote inter-group awareness.
Bringing awareness to the hidden dangers of avalanches by reporting on incidents, new advancements, education, and safety tools.